commercial plywood in vietnam


Looking for premium plywood from around the world? Sourcing from international suppliers unlocks a wider range of materials, competitive prices, and unique opportunities. But navigating the global market can be tricky. How do you find the right plywood supplier that meets your needs, budget, and ethical standards?

This guide unveils 11 crucial criteria to consider when choosing your international plywood supplier:



In the intricate world of plywood manufacturing, the process of drying core veneers plays a pivotal role in determining the quality and performance of the final product. Two primary methods, sundry drying, and machine drying, have emerged as contenders in the pursuit of achieving optimal veneer moisture content. Let’s delve into the nuances that set sundry and machine dry apart, unraveling their impact on plywood production.


In the heart of Southeast Asia, Vietnam stands as a promising land for businesses seeking top-quality plywood imports. With its rich natural resources, skilled workforce, and robust manufacturing capabilities, Vietnam has emerged as a powerhouse in the global plywood industry. At Kego, we recognize the immense potential of Vietnam as a sourcing destination, and we are here to bridge the gap between this promising land and your business needs.


Vietnam has become a leading export country of wood and wood products in the world. On the international scale, Vietnam has been the 5th biggest wood exporter in the world ranking, the 2nd in Asia and the 1st in Southeast Asia. Although Vietnam has become a leading export country of wood and wood products, Vietnam’s wood furniture export turnover currently accounts for only 7% of the global market share. Given that the world’s furniture trade market is large, with a total transaction value of about USD 405 billion per year, with an import demand for wood and wood products of about USD 230 billion, the room for the development of the wood processing industry is still very large, especially for furniture, which is a strong commodity of Vietnam. The export value of wood and wood products from Vietnam was USD 17.01 billion in 2022, up by 7.1% compared to 2021. However, this increase is much lower than businesses’ expectations in recent years, especially compared to 2021 when they increased by 19.8%.